Do’s And Don’ts of Corporate Video Production: Failproof Ways to Succeed

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Video marketing is a powerful tool for all businesses alike; that includes startups as well as large corporations. While it is easier for small businesses to follow digital content trends and leverage new-found effective techniques in video marketing, the same cannot be said about traditional corporate enterprises. For them, marketing in its entirety is a process that requires levels of approval and funding.

Corporations typically operate under a strict organizational structure; they are bound by general corporate bylaws and have limited windows to experiment with trending digital concepts as they submit annual reports to their shareholders as well. Their approach to video marketing is hence highly systematic, value-driven, and meticulously strict.

This is why video marketing for corporate companies inevitably needs to be undertaken by a professional corporate video production company. Considering the level of internal communication including confidential information required in a corporation, there is a need to approach the process with sensitivity, care, and ample attention to detail.

For a head start on your journey, below is a list of important dos and don’ts to follow when producing a corporate video.

Before that, here is an overview of what corporate video production entails.

What is a Corporate Video?

A corporate video is a branded video created by a company for marketing or internal communication purposes. In essence, it represents the company and seeks to convey important information, such as a new product or service, a change of policy, training information, etc. New-age corporate videos, as opposed to conventional collateral, are engaging and immersive in quality; they convey the message in creative ways sparking engagement, interaction, and above all, a clear understanding of complex information.

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This is why enterprises typically entrust their important videos with a qualified corporate video production company; one that is well-versed in creating the optimal blend of engaging and informative visuals, while adhering to structural norms.

Here are our expert-suggested dos and don’ts to follow in corporate video creation.

Do’s of Corporate Video Production

Follow the best practices below to set yourself up for success.

Keep it short and to the point

While other types of marketing videos are best kept short owing to dwindling attention spans and a lack of time, it is even more so when it comes to corporate videos. Working professionals are invariably strapped for time, which necessitates that the information be conveyed as precisely and effectively as possible. Focus on the core message of the video and eliminate any visual or audio content that does not add value to the video. An ideal norm typically followed by companies is a two-minute duration.

Have a deep understanding of your audience

Before developing a corporate video strategy for your business, it is crucial to understand the audience you are targeting. Whether it is your customers, your shareholders, or employees, each type of viewer demands a different tone and narrative that affects the impact. Tailoring your video to suit the needs of your audience results in solid results.

Maintain professionalism and formal appeal

Corporate videos created for any stakeholder including employees, partners, or potential investors need to be refined and polished in appeal. Create a narrative that perfectly aligns with your corporate policy, and speaks to the point. Avoid unnecessary efforts to jazz up the video with current trends. Ensure that the video conforms to your brand’s guidelines in every way. As a safe bet, partner with a qualified corporate video production company to create professional videos.

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Tell a story

Storytelling is a highly effective strategy for corporate videos as well. Conjure a compelling storyline to convey the essence of your video in a way that resonates with your viewers. Craft the narrative keeping in mind the professional quality and content requirements, and weave the message into the story creatively. Follow conventional video content practices like starting with a hook and aggravating the pain points to strengthen your story.

Don’ts of Corporate Video Production

Steer clear of the four mistakes below to maximize your corporate video impact.

Don’t use too much technical jargon

While a corporate video is meant to convey important information, including complex technical matters, it is not ideal to use highly technical jargon while doing so. A corporate video intends to break complexities down for stakeholders; hence the delivery should be executed in the simplest language, especially for videos explaining a new product, change of policies, or new software for employees. By all means, refrain from jargon and keep it simple to understand for all.

Don’t club video messages or purposes

Avoid overcomplicating the message of your video with more than one subject. Addressing multiple issues will only confuse your audience. Even if you have several messages to convey to the same audience, rather than clubbing them together in a single video, create separate videos for each and disseminate them strategically at different times for maximum effectiveness.

Don’t use poor-quality graphics and visuals

Many companies tend to turn to stock photos and videos when creating corporate videos for internal communication. This is a big mistake as a poorly researched, poor-quality video will fail to register in the minds of your viewers. It indicates a lack of effort on the part of the company and invariably reflects on the enthusiasm levels of the viewers to comply. Opt for professional quality visuals and a strong story, resources only provided by an experienced corporate video production company.

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Don’t oversell

When creating promising product or service ideas for partners, investors, and other stakeholders avoid overselling. Focus on the benefits that they stand to gain from using the product, rather than highlighting the features and attributes. When conveying your product story, avoid being overly salesy in your tone as well, as it easily off-puts viewers.

Wrapping up

Corporate videos are excellent ways to portray your company in good light and appeal to stakeholders. Through strategical and refined storytelling, it conveys your message precisely to the target audience to achieve the bottom line. It is the perfect avenue, facilitating the fusion of corporate structure with creative delivery, and following the above-mentioned dos and don’ts will amplify your results.

To create your compelling corporate video, contact K3 video production Chicago, a customization-friendly corporate video production company in the USA.

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