8 Trending Video Marketing Strategies for 2024

video marketing strategies 2024

In earlier years, videos have become one of the most important tools for digital marketing. With the usage of videos, businesses have started promoting their products and services in a more engaging manner. Generally, videos have become so popular that it is estimated that they will be responsible for nearly 80% of the world’s internet traffic by 2024.

However, if you are in search of best video marketing services, then we provide basic rules when it comes to video marketing which every marketer should follow to stay in the game and ahead of the competition.

Our Best Video Marketing Strategies for 2024

Upload Videos with Convincing Content on YouTube

Upload Videos with Convincing Content on YouTube

Well, YouTube is the second largest platform for information and entertainment. And, in terms of statistics, every month more than a billion unique users visit YouTube to watch videos for more than 6 billion hours. YouTube is a mindboggling figure. Only, having an account is not enough. But, you need to dedicatedly post videos for your brand, and work towards creating an identity that resonates with your consumers.

Thus, the first step is, therefore, to understand your online users, what content will be of interest to them? And, how will you get to engage with your video over the million others available for consumption? We help to identify what your users want to see and create content accordingly, without diluting your brand message or identity. As a result, your audiences are reacting to your videos; the organic growth you achieve will be stupendous.

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Optimizing the Content

Optimizing the Content

Secondly, you have created a compelling video which is ready to be posted online. Will your content capture the intent of your users’ search? While it needs to be optimized in such a way that search engines can index your content and show it to the relevant users. Our expert identifying the keywords is, therefore, one of the most important aspects of video marketing practices. And, it is not limited to creating the content featuring the keywords however; it extends to Video SEO wherein you need to optimize the metadata with the relevant keywords and content. Also, this ensures your videos will show up on the top of organic search results.

Optimizing the Video Thumbnail With a Smile

Optimizing the Video Thumbnail With a Smile

Next, the video thumbnail is often neglected and yet it is one of the most important factors which compel a nudge a visitor to click on your video. And, People tend to form impressions about how good or bad the video will be. Also, it is thus essential to dress your video with the right thumbnail so that it appears compelling. We use one of the best thumbnails involves the image of a smiling human and making direct eye-contact. This thumbnail has much greater chances of convincing people to play the video.

Merging Video and Email Marketing

Merging Video and Email Marketing

Nowadays, Video and email marketing are going hand-in-hand. In reality, just the addition of the word ‘video’ in an email subject line has shown to increase open rates by as much as 19%, click-through rates by 65% and decreases the number of unsubscribing by 26%. In addition, adding a video thumbnail in an email betters the engagement rate of that email. And, it is thus more than mandatory to use videos in an email marketing campaign.

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Creating a Strong Call-to-Action

Creating a Strong Call-to-Action

Further, the need for a call-to-action or CTA as called in popular parlance should never be undermined. Thus, remember, users need the CTAs to direct them to the next video or a landing page, therefore, at the end of the video or in the attached text, ensure a clearly visible CTA which compels the user to further engage with your brand.

Using the Third Graphic Judiciously

Moreover, the content running through the video at the bottom is known as the third graphic. While the third graphic cannot have clickable links, it should feature the synopsis of the content concisely. Also, share the name of your site, your products, and even you’re USPs. We use simple words which are easier to understand and can be grasped quickly should be used. However, the third graphic should not block or overpower the message you are trying to convey.

Adding Share Buttons to the Video Player

Adding Share Buttons to the Video Player

Besides, there are a number of videos available these days on social media platforms and most people begin their day by glancing in their social media accounts. And, this goes a long way in establishing how important these social media accounts are. Thus we ensure that your videos can be easily shared on these platforms. Also, the best way of doing so is by ensuring that the video has a share button which directs the user back to your website without the need to leave the player.

We always remember the more ‘likes, comments and shares you receive for your video, the more publicity it will get. And, this not only increases the number of views of your video but also has an impact on the organic search results. We always keep in mind, not all publicity is good publicity and you should NOT move away from your brand’s values while creating or sharing your content.

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Exploring Other Platforms

Lastly, never restrict yourself to sharing your created video on just YouTube or any other channel of your choice. We upload your videos to other channels such as a Break, DailyMotion, and Vimeo can help your video get additional exposure. Besides, even though Vimeo costs money to sign-up, depending on the needs of your video, it will very well be worth it. We share your videos across multiple blogs and social media outlets. And, the more your video is shared, the more visibility it stands to receive and more likes, comments, and shares, it is likely to get.

In Addition, Twitter also gives you the option to pin your tweets at the top of the Twitter feed. And, pinning a tweet to the top of the Twitter feed ensures that it does not get lost in the other new tweets which are posted. Also, it increases the engagement rate to your video and betters conversion rates by more than 10X. And, this is a very efficient way of increasing video views and yet it is free.


To sum up, the landscape for video marketing is constantly changing. Even with this, it continues to be a vital element of the marketing strategies of any company that desires to expand its horizons. Thus, if you follow the above-mentioned our video marketing strategies for 2024, then the search engine rankings for your video will surely skyrocket in no time.

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